Monday, August 30, 2010

Baby Name Game #1

Ok, baby name games are basically i give you a story, where you select answers and play out your life. Sometimes, I'll do different kinds, and sometimes I'll just do it my favorite way. This is how I do BNGs all the time, so if you want to play, just leave your answers as a comment. I love seeing what people put. Also, if you want to play more, there is a website that does it too.
This is the link:
OK, hope you guys enjoy. And if you want to send me your own BNGs, just look in my info my email is there.

You are a twenty-three year old named (1)__________.
You love your job as a (select one) (2)________,
(A) teacher
(B) veterinarian
(C) zookeeper
(D) scientist
(E) artist
but you don't have a very good history of relationships. You take a vacation to Europe with your sister, Amanda, and you meet a handsome young man named (3)__________ ________ _________ (first, middle, last). He charms you and you agree to a date on Friday. Soon enough, you're waving goodbye to your sister as she flies home and your looking for apartments to stay with your new hubby.
You two go for a moonlit walk one night and you are astonished when he bends down on one knee and proposes. After choking out a strangled "yes!", you start planning your wedding. You get married in (4) __________ (anywhere in Europe), and honeymoon in (5) ________ (anywhere).
About three months after you come home from your honeymoon, you find out your pregnant! After nine impatient months, you give birth to a beautiful baby girl! You want to name her after your mother, and your husband's sister. You name her (6) ________ ________.
Three years later, your little girl is walking and talking non-stop. But you missing having a little baby. So, you and your husband decide to have another. You end up having twins, two more girls! You want the first girl's initials to be switched with the seconds, so you name them (7) ___________ ________, and ___________ ________.
Two years later, your oldest has just started kindergarten, and your husband keeps saying he wants a boy. So, you try for another. Your excited when you find out your having a baby boy! He comes out healthy and as cute as a button. Your husband wants you to give him a middle name, but he wants to name him Jason. So you name him (8) Jason ______.
With four kids, your small starter home is beginning to get cramped. So you decide to jump over the pond and move back to America.
You move to (9) _________, and fifteen minutes from your house is an orphanage.
You next door neighbor tells you about the little boy she adopted, and you convince your husband to adopt a child. As soon as you walk in, you meet a gorgeous little boy named (10) ______ _______. But he has two older sister that you can't bear to separate him from. So you go through the adoption process and you soon bring them home. The older sister's names are Sarah Jane and Elizabeth Marie. You're glade to see they fit right in with your family.
You're so happy with your big family of nine, but you can't help but feel it's not complete yet. So, your husband agrees to try for another. You are unsuccessful though, so you turn to fertility treatments. You are thrilled when you're told your having triplets. Two boys and a girl. You want to name the first boy, and let your husband name the second. But you want the kids to pick the girl's name. So you name the first boy (11) ________ _______, and your husband names the second
(12) ________ ________. And your kids want you to choose one of these names.
(A) Julianna
(B) Ashley
(C) Hannah
(D) Adrianna
(E) Olivia
So you name her (13) _______ ________.
When you return home from the hospital, Jason brings home an orphaned kitten. He begs you to let him keep her, and you can't help but say yes. Soon enough though, all the kids are begging for a pet. You and your husband agree to two dogs, and a cat. So you name the first dog (14) __________, and the second (15) _______. And you name the cat
(16) __________.
So your family is complete! List all of your kids and pets.

Alright, if you want to post pictures, thats fine, just leave the links. Alright, bye! Oh btw I'll probably post one of these every week.